14 October 2008

Port Dickson

I managed to squeeze-in a getaway to Port Dickson (or PD for short) during my recent trip back to Malaysia. Port Dickson is a coastal resort about 90 minutes' drive from Kuala Lumpur. You could find more info on PD here.

I was there on weekdays. PD was quiet and peaceful. I got the much needed rest although I wish I could stay there longer.


thelaughinggas said...

chentak gambor...cepat beli slr camera!! boleh gang up dengan aku pegi jalan2 ambik gambor

Anonymous said...

padanlah orng dok tunggu kat VA nan ado

berjalan sakan rupanya

see you on Jan?

s a L o m a said...

eh.mini color pink tu reminds me of hard rock cafe kat osaka lah!!same concept.hahahhh!!the owner pernah pergi osaka kot.. :D

mizzura said...

nice Picca!